Report Calls for New Approach to U.S. Advanced Reactor Demonstration
May 20th, 2019
WASHINGTON – The Nuclear Innovation Alliance (NIA) today released a report Enabling Nuclear Innovation: In Search of a SpaceX for Nuclear Energy. Russia currently dominates the export market for new reactor builds (see figure), just as it did for commercial global launch services in 2010. To return the United States to a leadership role, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) should learn from the legacy of the NASA commercial orbital transportation services (COTS) program. This report reviews key features of that program, presents results of a survey of advanced nuclear energy companies, and recommends policy priorities that can support the demonstration of transformative nuclear energy technologies.
Press Release
Congress Passes Nuclear Regulatory Modernization Bill
December 23rd, 2018
WASHINGTON – On December 21, Congress passed S.512, the Nuclear Energy Innovation and Modernization Act (NEIMA). The bill includes fee reforms and modernization requirements that will enhance the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s capability to efficiently and thoroughly review advanced designs.
Blog Post
Passage of Landmark Advanced Nuclear Legislation
September 14th, 2018
WASHINGTON – The Nuclear Innovation Alliance applauds the House passage of the Nuclear Energy Innovation Capabilities Act (NEICA) this afternoon. This is a landmark moment for nuclear energy: The House and Senate have recognized the importance of bringing advanced nuclear technology to bear against the challenges of energy security, climate change, and affordability, as part of a diverse and resilient energy system. Here are a few of the key benefits of this bipartisan legislation:
Blog Post
Nuclear Innovation Alliance Announces Executive Director
May 16th, 2018
WASHINGTON – The Board of Directors of the Nuclear Innovation Alliance (NIA) is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Ashley Finan as the organization’s Executive Director, effective immediately. The Nuclear Innovation Alliance supports entrepreneurialism and the accelerated innovation and commercialization of advanced nuclear energy systems with the goal of providing more economically competitive, carbon-free energy to the world.
Press Release
Letter to Congress from Nonproliferation Experts Supports Nuclear Energy Cooperation with Saudi Arabia
April 25th, 2018
WASHINGTON – A group of nonproliferation experts sent a letter to Congress today urging nuclear energy cooperation with Saudi Arabia. The letter recommends that Congress support a nuclear cooperation agreement (a so-called “123 agreement”) with Saudi Arabia that meets U.S. law requirements and creates barriers to prevent misuse of civil nuclear power for nuclear explosive or military purposes. The letter argues that the United States should not seek conditions that will ultimately cause the Saudis to reject a cooperation agreement.
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